
Get tickets to the 2024 Oktoberfest event

Local area vendors will be selling their goods and services during Oktoberfest.  They are located on the East side of the fest and under the large tent.  Please support our local community!  It is a great time to start your holiday shopping!

If you are a vendor that would like to sell at Oktoberfest, please contact us via email at

Jammin Germans

October 7 - 9

Authentic Bavarian Schuhplattling (German Shoe-Slap Dancing), Tyrolian Cow-Bell Ringing, and Yodeling and numerous Audience Participation Specialties

The Kläberheads

October 14 - 16

The Kläberheads are an American version of a Munich Oktoberfest tent band - lots of musicians, tons of energy!
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